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What are the challenges of being a Personal Trainer?

The first year of being a Personal Trainer can be fantastic and exciting. However, despite this, there are some challenges that it is essential you prepare for. It’s a rapidly expanding industry and a golden opportunity to convert your passion for health and fitness into a career to help others and get paid to do it! Developing skills beyond just motivation is a great way to set yourself apart from competitors. Simply relying on innate skills can lead to further challenges once you are practicing within the industry.

Take a look at these four challenges Personal Trainers face within their first few years of the industry to prepare themselves for life beyond the training room.


  1. How to stand out
  2. Niche-Specific area’s
  3. Practice and profitability
  4. Final Thoughts

How to stand out

What will set you apart from the average personal trainer? What will ensure the longevity of your business and increase the likelihood of developing a clientele with actual results wanting to refer family and friends to you?

This is where CPD’s or Continuous Professional Development Courses come into play. These can give you the competitive edge over other Personal Trainers and help you expand on your current skillset, and equip you with the ability to develop solutions on the spot to a vast array of problems you’ll face.

CPD’s are courses that help personal trainers develop the skills needed to succeed in the Personal Training industry. Examples of some CPD courses are:

As you can see, the list is wide-ranging. It offers a variety of learning pathways to expand your knowledge. These are just a few (click here for the complete list of courses that we offer).

Students learning together on a personal training course

Niche-Specific area’s

An area where unsuccessful Personal Trainers tend to fall short is wanting to be very niche-specific. While it’s important to know what your ideal client looks like, there is an overlooked value in the ability to be adaptable in numerous health and fitness industry areas.

For one, it gives you the ability to look at a problem or solution from multiple perspectives and not just think of an answer directly from your niche angle. What you learn in Behaviour Change Coaching can be efficiently utilized in improving a client’s attitude towards learning how to use Kettlebells properly or developing a healthier approach to nutrition.


Practice and profitability

CPDs also increase your scope of practice. If you were to compare two Personal Trainers side by side and one has a standard Personal Training certificate compared to the other who is proficient in Pilates, Nutrition & Weight Management as well as Behaviour Change Coaching, who do you think the potential client will reach out to?

Not only will they see a diverse training approach meaning more value for money for them, but they’ll also see a Personal Trainer who is willing to find ways to continually better themselves. This not only improves the quality of service of your Personal Training business but also highlights respect to future clients that you’re not taking them for granted.