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Hundreds of blog posts to educate you on a wide variety of topics across the Health, Fitness and Nutrition industry.

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The fitness industry is constantly evolving. It’s why we’ve focused on providing you with the resources, tools and content aimed at inspiring change across the health and fitness industry.

30+ business ideas for helping others in your community Did you know that you can help others in your community and make a profit from your business at the…
Best Website Builders for Personal Trainers Many website builders are out there, each claiming to be the best, but not all are ideal for the best…
40+ Business Ideas for Mums to do on the side Nowadays, businesses don’t need a brick-and-mortar office to function, making it a good time for you as a mum to…
15+ Personal Training Exercises for Weight Loss Did you know that Two-third of the UK population is currently overweight? This means that there is a high chance…
What is Freelancing? And extra 21 questions answered Over the last decade, the growing popularity of freelancing has increased the number of global freelancers — resulting in the…
Best Life Coaching Books 2023

Many of these books are written by life coaches, people with a background in helping others to achieve their goals.

The most addictive fitness concepts in the UK: Are they a smart investment?

We worked with our partners at Xbody to bring you an insight into the most addictive fitness concepts in the UK and whether they are a smart investment.

Understand how sun lamps help SAD?

A sun lamp can also be known as a SAD lamp, which is a light designed to mimic natural outdoor light which can help symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Your Guide to Virtual Fitness: What It Is & What to Expect Almost everyone has fitness goals or targets they want to reach, but it’s all too easy to find excuses to…
15 Personal Trainer Skills you need to survive in today’s world In this article, you’ll learn about the essential personal trainer skills to survive in today’s world. If you are a…
Why Do People Start Life Coaching?

In this article we discuss some reasons why people start Life Coaching, this can be a great reading piece for somebody who is looking into working with a Life Coach. 

Recruitment Statistics in Fitness in the UK Are you thinking of joining the fitness industry? Great for you. Compared to 2010 when 131,800 people worked in fitness,…

Starting your career in health & fitness

Our courses set the benchmark for industry training and ongoing support. If you’re ready to get started, so are we.