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Benefits Of Pilates Exercise For Winter Sports The winter Olympics are soon, and the ski season is in full-swing, what better form of exercise do your clients…
Pilates And Obesity What constitutes being overweight? According to WHO, a person with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 25 is…
Why Do I Get Cramp When Exercising? Cramp is a common occurrence within Pilates and there is often no real reason why it occurs. So what exactly…
Pilates Benefits For Dancers Joseph Pilates developed an exercise system that is widely taught throughout the world today which is considered essential for dancers…
Can You Still Practice Pilates When Pregnant? Exercise during pregnancy can be extremely beneficial. It's important for maintaining muscular strength and endurance in particular.
Tips For Being A Pilates Teacher Katie Farnden looks at further steps you can take as a Pilates instructor for your classes and students in order…
How To Include Pilates In Everyday Life Pilates teaches useful skills to utilise during your everyday practices as it encourages your body to be functional and mobile.…
The Importance Of Stretching: Why Should We Stretch? Stretching should be classed as a vital component of a Pilates class due to the many benefits it has to…
Adapt Your Pilates To Suit Your Class – Part 1 When teaching Pilates classes today it is important to build a reputation and almost an individual brand. Keep classes fresh,…
Adapting Your Pilates Class – Part 2 In our second part, we’ll bring you further ideas on how to include a range of fitness concepts in your…
Kyphosis & Lordosis Teaching Tips A well balanced exercise programme can help strengthen and mobilise the body and increase range of movement around a joint.
Marketing Your Pilates Classes So, you’re qualified, you’re insured, and you’ve hired a local hall. You’re ready, except for one thing. Marketing! Unless you…

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