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Mark Laws: My Story

Mark Laws

Since qualifying as a Personal Trainer with Future Fit Training, Mark has helped thousands of people to enhance their ability to go about their daily lives – from professional athletes to the most average members of the public.

Starting his journey as a Group Instructor with Virgin Active, Mark worked his way through most roles within the fitness industry. However, the diverse range of experience he gained throughout these invaluable roles opened up vast opportunities including the chance to work alongside the Chinese Olympic Squad.

But after years of travelling, Mark finds his passion for fitness rooted in his hometown of Norfolk. He thrives of helping others by making a difference in their daily lives and now a proud facility owner.

Future Fit Training follow Mark Laws on his journey, heading back to where it all began to discover how he turned his passion for fitness into a successful profession.

Key Points

  • The Highlights of Mark’s Career
  • The Skills and Techniques to Land your Dream Job
  • The Importance of Gaining Qualifications
  • Making a Difference to People’s Lives

Considering everything I have accomplished, my favourite thing is to still to get up at 5am, unlocking my own facility come wind, rain or shine and then helping a diverse range of people.