It shouldn’t be too loud, noisy or disturbing. If the music becomes too overpowering then it will take away the focus and concentration during the class. Finding the right style to suite your class is key.
It will be personal choice as to whether to use music or not, however there is plenty of music suitable for Pilates exercise that will help to create an enjoyable experience for the participants.
Stay away from music with singing, music with lyrics will distract your participants and maybe have them joining in with song rather than listening to your instructions!
Ensure that you have listened to your music before you play it in class. You need to plan what mood you would like to create.
Know your audience. Some people love the sound of wind chimes and waterfalls, while others may prefer something a little more rhythmic to encourage flow. Ask you participants for feedback!
If you work for a fitness facility (public, private or local authority) it is the fitness facility’s responsibility to pay the license for the classes that their business provides and profits from. The fitness facility will pay a fee-per-class license to PPL. So you are not liable to pay music licensing in this instance.
You can purchase music that does not require a PPL license. This music is not usually played or sung by the original artist. PPL-free music can be purchased from companies such as Jumpy Bumpy and Pure Energy Music.
If you are planning to hire halls and teach independently, then you will need a PPL licence if you do not want to use PPL-free music. You will need to pay a fee per class. The instructor must estimate how many classes they will teach in a year and pay for their music license based on how many classes they teach. This is currently set at £1.47 per class.