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Rita Jayne Trotter

Meet Rita Jayne Trotter

Business Owner of The Health and Fitness Coach Ltd

“My goal is to leave no woman left behind, taking women across the globe from hormonal to healthy in their journey to sustainable fat loss through holistic coaching and mind-body connection.”

Business Website: The Health and Fitness Coach


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Get to know me

I am a mum to 3 small boys, a wife, a business owner and a fearless advocate of women’s health. I myself have been anorexic and hospitalized in my 20s, as well as overweight by 70lbs in my 30s. I have been through cervical cancer, locked in a hospital during Covid with my youngest son for four months. I’ve been “too busy” for my body. I learnt how to create a life, business and body of balance and being whilst helping other women to find their healthy, happy ideals. Through self-acceptance, emotional healing, and habit change alongside nutritional and physical education, we are starting the revolution of loving who you are!

Do it for the love. Not for money, free time or some insta-famous idea that you will have 100K followers. Do it for the love of service to your fellow human beings. Do it because they need you, and never forget the power you wield when working with people at their most vulnerable.

Rita Jayne Trotter

Study with Rita

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