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30+ business ideas for helping others in your community

Did you know that you can help others in your community and make a profit from your business at the same time?

Contrary to what most people think, helping others will not harm your bottom line.

So, if you like helping others, you should start a business that allows you to make a difference in your community.

Plus, you don’t need to be a non-profit organization to do this.

If you are out of business ideas that you can start to help your community, keep reading, some of these ideas could become your highest-paying job.

This article will provide over 30 business ideas to choose from that will allow you to earn a living and help others simultaneously.

So, let’s get right to it.

Personal Training

Are you a fitness enthusiast passionate about teaching others to become better versions of themselves? If yes, personal training may be right for you. You also do not need to look far for clients, as you can start with your immediate community. You will help them develop better habits while earning a living. However, to become a personal trainer, you must complete a training course or two. Besides, our Level 3 and Level 4 personal training courses are just what you need to get your business off the ground.

Educational Tutoring

Do you know about topics and subjects that you can teach to others? If yes, you should consider tutoring, as it is a good way to earn a living while helping others in the community. If you look around your community closely, you’ll find students and adults who need help in various subjects. So, you can start a tutoring business to help them get better while earning a liveable wage.

For example, you can tutor students preparing for their final exams, like GCSE or adults with an upcoming exam. Some subjects you can tutor include English, mathematics, history, sociology, statistics, computer science, chemistry, economics, business, art, and others.


Childcare is one of the few businesses that help others in the community. This is because many parents need someone to take care of their children when they are at work, and most child services are very expensive. To help your community, you can start a childcare business at a reduced cost, enabling people to afford your service. This way, you’ll also have more customers as it is an untapped area in the childcare industry.

However, you must note a few things when starting a childcare business, whether it’s a daycare or babysitting business. First, you must ensure that you know all the local rules and regulations about childcare because it is a very delicate business. Secondly, you must adhere to all the rules and ensure you don’t have any issues with the local authorities.


Eldercare, like childcare, is a service always in demand by community members. What better business to start than one where you will care for the elders in your community? You must note that eldercare is rigorous work – so only start this business if you have a passion. You should start small-scale to enable you to understand the intricacies of the job.

You can also decide to visit the older adults in their respective homes and care for them there – there are multiple options for you to choose from. However, it is best not to start at a high price, allowing you to help those that need your service but cannot afford the eldercare services already available.

Pet Sitting Services

Do you like animals? Many people in your community need businesses that offer pet-sitting services. It’s just like babysitting but for pets, so if you like animals, this may be a good business to start.

Here, depending on your business model, you can choose the animals you can take care of and add other services like grooming and dog walking. You have complete control over how your business will look as long as you help your community and make money simultaneously.

House Sitting Services

Some people on vacation always need someone to take care of their house and ensure their plants are watered, and their pets are fed. You can start offering this service, reducing the stress of people in your community looking for a house sitter whenever they want to travel. As most vacation periods coincide, you can offer this service to different community members simultaneously. Additionally, this service can be seasonal as most people don’t go on vacation all year round.

Nutritionist/ Meal Prepping

Many people do not know how to eat a balanced diet, and most eventually end up snacking their way through meal times because they don’t know what to eat.

You can offer a meal prep and nutrition service that reduces the burden of constantly thinking of what to eat from people in your community. This way, you will help people in your community get better eating habits while earning a good wage.

It is advisable to enrol in our nutrition courses before you start offering this service to give your business the credibility that it needs.

Life/Business Coaching

Many people in your community need business and life coaching. So, if you have successfully navigated your career and have the skills to help others, you should consider starting a coaching business. You can help people with their businesses and careers, enabling them to become the best versions of themselves, and telling them the areas in their business they need to work on. However, you need a coaching qualification to start this business, so no one will question your credibility.

Bookkeeping Services

Looking around your community, you will find businesses that need proper bookkeeping. This is a service for you to offer if you have an accounting and finance background. You can help businesses in your community to get their financial affairs in order while earning a living.

House Cleaning/ De-cluttering Services

Different people in your community need their houses de-cluttered and properly cleaned. You can start this business to help them get their houses back to their former glory, and you do not have to look far for clients. Also, you can offer this service for a stipend when you are just starting to get the word out about your business.

Once you have a substantial number of customers, you can increase your prices. If you like helping people, this is one of the businesses to start, as it allows you to do what you love while also making money.

Resume Writing

Resumes are important as they are employers’ first ways to learn about potential employees. However, not everyone knows how to write a good resume that will get them through the door to getting a job. If you know how to write resumes that will sell the candidate while highlighting their skills and experience, you should consider starting a resume writing service.

You can offer this service to young professionals in your community, thereby increasing their chances of getting good-paying jobs.

Grant Writing

Suppose you have strong writing skills and know how to write grant applications or proposals. In that case, you can offer this service to your community’s non-profit organizations, foundations, schools, and government departments. Unlike other forms of writing, grant writing is intricate, so only offer this service if you have the skills. Besides, by helping these organizations get grants, you are directly helping your community get better while getting paid.

Catering Business

Do you know how to cook for a large number of people? If yes, you should consider catering. With catering, you will be tasked with cooking meals for individuals and events. Not everyone in your community has the time to cook their own meals, so this service will come in handy. Depending on your business model, you can set up a subscription model for your customers to ensure they always have the food they need.

Marketing Service

Another way you can help the small and medium-sized businesses in your community is by offering marketing services. Not every business knows how to brand itself and market its products, hindering its growth. You can help businesses develop marketing strategies to increase their profits and conversions.

You can offer these services at a discounted price to help the start-up businesses in your community, and as your client base grows, you can update your pricing.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a business idea to consider if you want to be more hands-on with the people in your community. It is a good way to help people deal with stress and injuries. You can offer this service in the homes of the respective clients, or you open a physical location. However, before practising massage therapy, you must take courses and be certified.

Additionally, our massage therapy courses will get you well on the way to becoming a certified massage therapist.

Business Consulting

Another service you can offer to businesses in your community is consulting. You can help businesses to make better choices in all areas, from finances to strategy, marketing, human resources, and others.

Many businesses in your community need this service to enable them to get better and increase their profit margin. It is a good way to help businesses while earning a living. However, you need to have a business background to offer this service to others.

Social Media Management

Nowadays, knowledge of social media has become vital as businesses need social media to be able to compete globally. If you understand social media and all its intricacies, you can offer social media management services to businesses in your community. This service will enable them to grow their customer base and profit. You can decide to work for more than one business or offer consulting services, where you tell them the areas they should work on.

There are different social media platforms, so if you are good with just one, you can still offer this service. It is a good way to spread the word about the businesses in your community.

Business Plan Writer

Many people with business ideas haven’t gotten off the ground because they do not know how to write a good business plan. If you have good writing skills and know how to do this, you can offer your skills to help people in your community start their businesses. It is a good service to offer as it lets them know whether their business plan is feasible.

Food Truck Business

If you like cooking but do not want to open a restaurant, you can start a food truck business. This business will provide the flexibility you need to cook while enabling you to cook for people in your community. You can change your menu to keep your customers surprised or offer classic meal options. Besides, you can offer food from your business to the homeless in your community.

Thrift Store Owner

Few people can afford to buy designer items from the store, but thrifting allows you to find designer pieces at discounted prices. If you know how to find good statement pieces while thrifting, you should open a thrift store to allow people in your community to access good fashion items for low prices. All you have to do is buy them and mark them up a little bit to get a profit.

Educational Blogging

If you have knowledge that can help others or are an expert in any field, you can start blogging to teach others. Blogging does not require a lot of capital, and you can do it from the comfort of your home.

By educating people on topics like climate change, health hazards, renewable resources, and others, you are informing your community on important topics. You can make money from blogging from affiliate programmes, selling online courses, advertising, etc.

Recycling Business

Recycling is very important, especially with the amount of waste worldwide. Starting a recycling business, regardless of how small it will be, is a good way to help others in your community. You can ensure that people recycle properly in your community by letting them pay you to do it for them. This is a good business venture for the environment and the community.

Fundraising Consulting

If you are charismatic and love helping people, you can start a fundraising consulting service where you guide non-profit organizations through different aspects of running a successful fundraising campaign. You will ensure that the fundraising goal is met and everything goes off without a hitch. This is a good business idea that will earn you a liveable wage while allowing you to help others.

Lawn mowing/ Gardening Business

Many people in your community may need lawn mowing and gardening services. So, this is an opportunity that you can tap into, especially if you have a green thumb. You can help different community members with their lawns, ensuring they are always in good shape. Additionally, you can earn good money from this service.

Web/App Developer

Do you have coding skills? If yes, you can help people in your community by developing websites and applications for their businesses. This is a good way to help out people in your community. Also, you can develop a website and app that will educate others to adopt good living practices like energy conservation, up-cycling, recycling, and others.

However, you need the right skills and expertise to become a web or app developer for hire; as there are certain coding languages, you must be well-versed in. Plus, if you have a passion for this, there are different platforms where you can acquire these skills.

Sell eco-friendly products online

Selling eco-friendly products is a good way to ensure the safety of the environment and community. If you are a fashion designer, you can make clothes from ethically sourced materials. If you want to make skincare products, you must ensure that they are cruelty-free. Additionally, you can also sell homemade products like soaps, candles, tie and dye, and others.

Create and Sell socially conscious art

If you are an artist, you can help your community by making socially conscious art that speaks on the problems faced by members of your community. This is a good way to shed light on the issues faced by your community while also making money from your art. You can make different types of art, from traditional painting, digital painting, paper maché, photography, and others. It all depends on which art skills you possess.

Teach Pilates

Do you love Pilates and would love to teach others? If yes, you should consider becoming a Pilates instructor. As an instructor, you will help others in your community become flexible and healthier versions of themselves as it promotes a healthy lifestyle. However, if you want to teach Pilates, you must be trained and certified. Our Pilates instructor courses will provide you with the world-class training needed to become highly skilled.

Skill acquisition Business

Not many people have the skills to get their dream job. You can start a skill acquisition service where you employ skilled professionals in different fields to help people in your community with their needed skills. You can start your business small by teaching the skills that you know before scaling up and employing other people. Some of the skills that you can teach are Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, C ++, Java, Python, Tableau, Google Analytics, Microsoft Power BI, and others.

Interview Preparation Business

Interview preparation is very important as it determines whether or not an individual will get a job. You can start an interview preparation business where you will help professionals prepare for upcoming interviews. This business is a good way to get paid, ensuring that people in your community get jobs they are qualified to do.

You can also add aptitude testing preparation to your service, enabling you to prepare candidates for their job qualification tests. This may be the right business for you if you know how to ace interviews and qualification tests.

Travel consultancy

Everyone loves a discount. You should start a travel consultancy service if you know how to get travel and hotel discounts for the best price. Here, you can help members of your community travel to places of their choice at a discounted rate. You will be in charge of getting the best hotel and flight deals for your clients – so you need to have a passion for finding discounts. This business idea is a good way to get paid doing what you love.

Event Organizer

Do you love organizing events? If yes, you should consider becoming an event manager. You can help people in the community by ensuring that their events go off without any issues. You will be in charge of every aspect of the event.

You should only start this business if you can work well under pressure because that is all event management is about. Some events you can organize include weddings, birthday parties, social events, work parties, and others.

To Wrap It Up

Helping your community is important. Every business should always strive to help its immediate communities regardless of the type of business. So, if you want to start a business, you should remember that helping others will not diminish your profit.