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A Guide on How to Start a Nutrition Blog

When you start a nutrition business blogging can be the perfect way to enhance and promote your products or services, in this article, we discuss everything you need to know to get blogging.

When you are just starting out in the world of nutrition whether that’s as a Nutritionist, Nutrition Coach or Nutrition advisor, it can sometimes be difficult to understand where to start in sharing your wealth of knowledge whilst also raising awareness of your services. Starting a nutrition blog can be a great way for you to start driving traffic to your services, and benefit from new clients as well as increased brand awareness. 

Where should you post your Nutrition blog? 

Find a platform

In order for you to gain the most from your blogging, you should invest time into building your own website on a platform such as WordPress, Wix or Weebly or potentially if you already have a website you should have a dedicated space for your blog. 

If you are starting from scratch with no website, WordPress is likely to be your best option and is most recommended for blog hosting. As you work within WordPress, it can be easier to navigate with the use of blog templates and plugins which allow you to add in additional functionality, clear design layout and consistent styling throughout your website. 

If you already have a current website which is yet to have a blog section, it’s important that you make this a clear and visible part of your website. This should become its own section which is included in the main menu of the site. When you have a blog, it is important you have a dedicated page which will show all blog posts, each time a new post is uploaded it should appear in this space. 

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Social Media

Once you have a relevant platform to share blog posts on, you should use additional platforms such as Instagram, Twitter or Facebook to share your blog posts. By doing this you will help increase both traffic and engagement on your blogs, which will help drive overall brand awareness as well as potential clients.

The power of social media and website assets being used together can become very effective marketing tools for lead generation when utilised. This definitely isn’t a trick you should miss out on!

How to introduce yourself as a Nutritionist or Nutrition Coach? 

When working in the health and fitness industry, introducing yourself as the face of the service can be a really important part of being successful. Often clients will engage or take an interest in your service due to the personable experience they believe they will get, clients, need to feel comfortable and confident in you and the service you offer in order for them to want to invest. 

Introducing yourself as a Nutritionist or Nutrition Coach is a key part of doing this successfully. On blog platforms as well as social media, you should showcase your qualifications in Nutrition. For example, if you have studied a Level 4 and Level 5 Nutrition Course, you should include this in your introduction. 

Throughout your introduction, you should get across your passion for Nutrition, covering what made you go into it, when you qualified, who you studied with, specialist areas and your experience in the industry. All of these points will help clients understand who they are investing in. As you write about the above, be sure to get across your own personality and tone, this can be a good way to engage potential clients whilst also setting the tone for blogs or posts which follow.

What should you post on your Nutrition Blog? 

When it comes to thinking of ideas for your nutrition blog, it’s important you use tools and platforms to do your research before investing time into writing content which may not be valuable to anybody. When it comes to thinking of ideas Google is your friend, a starting point would be to Google Nutrition trends (current year), which will bring up a wealth of ideas for you to cover. 

You can also start to use tools such as KeywordProfiler, this is a platform which allows you to search a keyword or term which will then bring up a diagram of questions or topics you could potentially answer in the form of a blog. 

Find a niche

When it comes to thinking about nutrition blog ideas, you want to ensure you cover the basics of nutrition whilst also getting across your niche and capturing additional traffic. Having a niche in the world of blog writing generally will help you explore concepts and ideas which have been loosely covered or not covered at all online. As you can imagine this becomes a great opportunity to showcase your expertise to new traffic.

Do your research

When it comes to any blog writing, especially in an industry like Nutrition, research should be considered your best friend and your backbone to any content you are writing. There is no better way to justify the point of your article than through clear statistics or case studies. It’s important you understand that research is key to how your article will perform as well as how it will reflect on your brand, providing reliable content will go a long way in building trust with your blog users. 

Some good websites to use for research can be Statista, the Association for Nutrition, the Nutrition Society and the Institute of Food Research

How to promote your nutrition business through blogging

When you start a nutrition business blogging can be the perfect way to enhance and promote your products or services. The more topics you cover in nutrition the more credit and interest you can build up in this area as a nutrition coach, in turn, this will help increase potential clientele. 

When you start to publish content using your nutrition blog, you should reference the services you offer within the text. This can help you upsell your services at the right point in the users’ journey by educating them on a topic whilst offering them additional support in a particular area. Blog content can quickly start to become a lead-generation tool when effective, this is a great way to build on brand awareness and increase clientele.

How to stay consistent

Just like anything, when you start your nutrition blog you need to ensure you are at a stage where you are able to stay consistent with posting. You may decide to publish one blog and not have another blog going out for 2-3 weeks, this will impact the authority of your blog in a given industry. The more regular you are with posting the better the site authority you are likely to have in a given area, search engines will view you as more valuable than a site that decides to post irregularly.